The J & S Railroad
Rolling over an elevated, kidney-shaped 120 ft. railroad bed, the battery powered train is on the J & S Railroad that is maturing weekly after hosting its inaugural run on Sat., July 20, 2013. The front part of the lawn is about 16 in. lower than the back part so the front part of the track and sides are elevated. There is no more than a 2% grade change throughout the track. After the initial track was laid, two planters that flank a new pond at the front of the lawn were added. Water from a new waterfall and stream from the upper pond now drops into the lower pond. A switch was included in the initial design to allow for expansion to a maintenance area to the side of the house at a later date. Passing the switch on the right side curve, the train enters a tunnel that goes underneath the front braces of a 15 ft. trampoline. The tunnel is designed as a mountainside and serves as steps to the trampoline entrance. The mountainside will host a variety of dangling plants and vines. As the train leaves the tunnel area, it runs about 20 ft. and crosses the upper pond over a 3 ft. trestle bridge. The center section will eventually have track connected to the main line and feature a mining operation that may tunnel under the main line and operate behind the water features.