
Welcome to the Sacramento Valley Garden Railway Society

Club members visiting the Sierra RR in Jamestown, CA.

The Sacramento Valley Garden Railway Society is the Garden Railroad Club for seven Counties in Northern California.  Our members live in Butte, El Dorado, Nevada, Sacramento, San Joaquin, Sierra, and Yolo Counties.

The club was formed in 1989 to help garden railroaders and potential garden railroads build operate and maintain miniature trains indoors and outdoors. 

Since its founding in 1989, the Sacramento Valley Garden Railway Society has helped garden railroaders enjoy the back yards even more with large scale trains running through them. Sounds of trains running through loops of greenery enhance the entire garden experience. We now have members in Butte, El Dorado, Nevada, Placer, Sacramento, San Joaquin and Yolo Counties. The wide geographic area permits our members to construct replicas of lumber, mining, farming and urban railroads or all of these — or none of these! After all, the railroads belong to the members.

Join us.  Garden Railroading is Fun!

© 2019 Sacramento Valley Garden Railway Society | P.O. Box 276031, Sacramento, CA 95827